
Webinar “Artificial Intelligence in the world of Language Teaching”, de la mano de FECEI

#SaveTheDate #freewebinar #Teachers #EnglishCoaching #SoloSocios
Si eres socio/a de ACEIA o FECEI, puedes asistir a este Webinar.
➡💡Artificial Intelligence in the world of Language Teaching, de la mano de FECEI
🤔¿Cuándo? Jueves, 4 de Julio a las 12:00 horas
➡➡ All for speaking and pronunciation practise.
➡➡ AI features for teachers.
➡➡ Option with English Coachs AI and exclusive FECEI Offer.
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Webinar Session for Directors. What is Recognition? Why should it matter to you and your students? How do we get it? 25th June

#SaveTheDate #freewebinar #Teachers #SoloEscuelasACEIA #SomosFECEI #SomosCEA

➡💡Nuevo Webinar Session for Directors, de la mano de FECEI

🤔¿Cuándo? Martes, 25 de junio a las 11:00 horas


➡➡ Recognition is not just a list of exams; it is much more. Recognition can open up new markets and help generate demand for exams and preparation courses and demand leads to sales. In this workshop we will explore how you can gain greater visibility and traction with new and existing business by using recognition.

📲Si eres socio o socia de ACEIA, puedes beneficiarte de nuestra formación de excelencia. Únete a nuestra asociación y disfruta de esta y otras muchas ventajas: www.aceia.es


Nuevo webinar de Oxford en inglés dirigido a profesores: “Motivating with music: Making English fun for young learners”, de la mano de FECEI

#SaveTheDate #freewebinar #music #teachers #SoloEscuelasACEIA #SomosCEA #SomosFECEI
Si eres una #EscuelaACEIA, esto es para tí 🫵👇
➡💡Nuevo webinar de Oxford en inglés dirigido a profesores: “Motivating with music: Making English fun for young learners”, de la mano de FECEI
🤔¿Cuándo? Lunes, 17 de junio a las 11:00 horas
🎶🎶Music is a valuable resource in English Language Teaching and can be used in class to capture attention and motivate learners. When music is combined with attractive audio-visual support, it can be incredibly effective to help learners acquire vocabulary and grammar in meaningful contexts.
➡➡ In this dynamic session, teacher trainer Nina Lauder will discuss with ELT Songs founders how songs, videos and movement can bring language to life, and how to make the most of music videos with young learners.
🟠Nina Lauder is a certified Oxford University Teacher Trainer, and an ELT and CLIL expert who has been working in the field of education for decades.
🟢Jenny Chapman has a degree in Psychology, as well as a specialisation in English Language Teaching for all levels, from Infant to Adult.
🔵 The ELT Songs team, Jake Carter (CEO) and Benjamin Carter, make educational content both accessible and engaging with a unique blend of original pop songs, dynamic dance routines, interactive games and accompanying offline materials.  
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25 abril

Free Webinar FECEI “Apostar por la Educación Infantil es estratégico para tu academia”.

FECEI organiza el Webinar “Apostar por la Educación Infantil es estratégico para tu academia”, el jueves 25 de abril, a partir de las 10:00 horas.

Javier Llallana, CEO y cofundador de Great Little People, nos contará cómo ha ayudado a impulsar el negocio de más de 70 academias gracias a un enfoque en la estrategia en edades tempranas.

Conoce cómo Great Little People, la única editorial de nicho en educación infantil, puede ayudarte a mejorar tu academia, contando con una media de +16 nuevas matriculaciones por centro. Aprende sobre sus casos de éxito y cómo su i+D y marketing adaptable pueden hacer volar tu academia. ¡No te lo pierdas!